Clarinbridge Camogie

Founded 1989

Co. Galway

Membership 2025

Clarinbridge Camogie Club Membership 2025

Please register through Foireann: 

Click Below to Log into Foireann or Create a new user account


Adult player: €100

Juvenile: €90

Nursery (U5 and U6): €75

Adult Member(non-player) (Administrator/Coach/Referee only): €10

Social Member (non-player): €10

Social Playing Member: €50

Please remember to tick your preferences for yourself and your child(ren) on the individual profiles in relation to Club communications, photography etc.


Social Membership

We provide Social Membership for only €10 and all of this fee is retained by the Club. Social Members are entitled to vote at AGMs and this allows parents of juvenile players to have a say in the development/future of our Club. We would encourage each parent of a player to take up social membership of the Club.

Social Camoige Playing Membership:
Social Camogie is our adults recreational programme ran by the Camogie Association to encourage more females to take part in Camogie socially. The games environment is built around fun, socialising and physical activity.  This programme provides an opportunity for women to get involved in an exercise in a fun way while meeting other adults playing camogie within the community.


Combined Members:

Option 1 (1 Adult Member  + 2 Nursery Members) €160

Option 1A ( 1 Social member + 2 Nursery members) €160

Option 2 (1 Social Member + 2 Juvenile Members) €190

Option 2 A (1 Adult Member + 2 Juvenile Members) €190


Family Membership:

Family of 3 or More Playing Members €200**

Note: All combinations accepted:  Adult/Juvenile/Nursery

Please make sure to scroll down through the page and select the right categories for your family.

Note: Check to ensure that you are registering for the Camógie Club, not the GAA Club


Families on Foireann

If you have more then one member in your family across GAA/LGFA or the Camogie Association, we advise setting up your own Family - Here's how to:

If you have used your email address  to create a Foireann profile for more than one child, please create your own Family on Foireann – this will link up the family members for ease of bulking your registrations.

Please remember to tick your preferences for yourself and your child(ren) on the individual profiles in relation to Club communications, photography etc.

Other useful links

How to process membership - Step by Step:

Video Step by Step:

Please check out for any Foirean related queries  :

Login Queries:  If you are unable to remember you login details:

If you forgot your  Password -  select Forgot Password and enter you email.
If you forgot you user name - please contact
and we will be able to send you last log in user name, that can be used to reset your password 


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